Usługi magazynowe


We are implementing many interesting initiatives related to the InHouse Logistics area with our clients. We implement and operate each project based on outsourcing selected processes or comprehensive warehouse services while using our clients’ systems and logistics infrastructure. In the proposed integrated services model, we guarantee security, process stability, and flexibility.

  • 320 facilities serviced
  • 2000 employees
  • 46 mln turnover

We handle the organization of warehouse processes in an efficient, transparent manner while ensuring flexibility and maintaining control over processes.

Thanks to our distributed structure and the short distance between the facilities we operate, we can flexibly relocate employees between locations. This allows us to avoid risks in the event of employee absences or shortages.

Sustainability is at the heart of SAMSIC’s strategic ambitions. We base our activities on the four pillars of CSR; the environmental, ethical, and social aspects are an integral part of our company.

We are a specialized outsourcer supported by a team of top professionals. In order to streamline and improve warehouse processes and increase employee productivity, we provide our clients with quality, reliability, flexibility, and support programs to improve performance. We provide unique analytical consulting and improvement projects.